Yandex Send for Business

A mail-out service. Send emails, communicate with customers, build your company's image, and increase sales.

Sign up

Yandex Send for Business

A mail-out service. Send emails, communicate with customers, build your company's image, and increase sales.

Sign up

Get closer to your audience

Create your first mail-out

Take advantage of all service features

Add recipient lists
Up to 100 lists with up to 100,000 addresses in each
Yandex Send for Business
Analyze performance
Open rate, unsubscribe rate, and clicks on links in your email
Compose emails in the email builder
From scratch or using templates
Yandex Send for Business
Personalize mail-outs
Add a name and a promo code for each recipient
Yandex Send for Business
Send test emails
To one or more addresses
Upload emails
Use HTML files or ZIP files for emails with images
Yandex Send for Business

A virtual workspace for your team

Security for your data

Log in to Yandex Calendar using Yandex ID. This is an authorization service that complies with the ISO 27001 security standard.

Enable two-factor authentication and control access to your account.

Your personal data is secure: Yandex‑360 complies with the requirements of the Federal Law‑FZ-152 and the Order No. 21 of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia (FSTEK) for Security Level UZ-2.

More benefits with
Yandex 360 for Business

Yandex 360 for Business pricing

More benefits with Yandex 360 for Business

Single sign-on

Employees can log in to all Yandex 360 for Business services using a single username and password.

Quick switching between services

All corporate services in one window for easy switching.

24/7 support

Any team member can ask for help.

More benefits with
Yandex 360 for Business

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